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Phonological Awareness Skills to Practice with your preschooler this month!

Phonological Awareness Practice Activities for Parents Part 1:

Try to do a few activities each week.

Talk about what rhyming words are. (words that have the same sounds at the end). Ask if these pairs rhyme: book/look, tar/car, hat/shoe, call/ball

Read a story today. Be “rhyming detectives” and see how many rhyming words you can find.

When in a grocery store think of rhyming words for each thing that you put in the cart. Rhyming words can be silly made-up words or real words!

It’s Friday! Find words that rhyme with day.

Make up silly words that rhyme with vacation.

Ask if these pairs rhyme: bat/cat, dog/log, book/library, big/dig, wish/star, sing/king, walk/run, swim/fish, water/pool, ice/mice.

Sing “Twinkle Little Star” or another nursery song. Count how many rhyming pairs you can find.

Find five items in your house that start with the first letter of your child’s name.

Find 4 items in your house that have two syllables (e.g., ta- ble)

Give your child these words one sound at a time & see if they can guess the word:

1 /c/ /a/ /t/ = cat 2 /b/ /a/ /l/ = ball 3 /s/ /i/ /t/ = sit

Find 5 things in your house that start with the letter /b/

Find 5 things in our house that end in in the letter /b/.

Talk about how many sounds (not letters) are in these words

1 c/u/p = 3

2 h/ou/se =3

3 s/u/n =3

4 s/w/i/m =4

Come up with 5 words that rhyme with “bat”

Give you child these words one sound at a time and see if they can guess the word:

1. /s/ /u/ /n/ =sun 2. /h/ /o/ /t/ = hot3. /p/ /oo/ /l/ = pool 4. s/ /a/ /n/ /d/ = sand

Thank youSbelllz2

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