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Read, Read, Read!

Dear Families,

You are your child's most important teacher! Here in our blog, we will be posting ideas for you to help your child at home in his educational journey. You'll discover how much fun reading, talking, singing, and playing with your child can be! In addition, you will be laying the groundwork for a lifetime of learning and a love of reading.

One of the best ways to help your child learn to read is by reading -EVERYTHING to him or her ;-)

1. Model reading in front of your child. Read in front of your chld often. Read the newspaper, directions on recipes, labels on clothing, and street signs. Show your child the importance of reading and also the pleasure you get from reading.

2. Set aside a special time each day to read with your child. It might be right before bed, or in the morning.

3. Point your finger under the words as you read them.

4. Talk about the title of the book, the author, and the illustrator. Ask questions."Where does the story take place?" "Could this really happen or is it a pretend story?" Do this in a fun way.

5. Take your child to the library. Help your child get his or her own library card and teach him or her to take care of books.

6. Create a special basket for your child to keep the books.

Let us know if you have any questions, we appreciate you taking time to read our blog posts and also to help in the education of your child!

~Happy Reading~

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